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Hormex Rooting Powder #3 1lbs

Hormex Rooting Powder #3 1lbs
Hormex Rooting Powder #3 1lbs
Part Number: HCRP0103
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Your Price: $51.73
Retail Price:$65.99
You Save:$14.26(22%)

Hormex Rooting Powders

Clone plants from cuttings, including fruits and vegetables, faster and healthier than ever before. Hormexs famous Snip N Dip Rooting Powders are used by some of the worlds top growers and have been proven to produce roots the fastest and the most uniform compared to other rooting products. Truly unrivaled cloning success!

  • Excellent for hydroponics, aeroponics and in all growing mediums
  • Helps to prevent root rot in cuttings without the use of fungicides or herbicides
  • Allows proper Oxygen levels
  • Alcohol, preservative and dye free
  • Grow abundant fruits and vegetables
  • Hormex Rooting Powders are offered in various strengths to insure consistent, successful and vigorous rooting of "œeasy to extremely difficult" plant varieties
  • Only Hormex is Hormogenized"“ our exclusive process that assures consistent, rapid plant growth

Hormex Rooting Powder #3

For moderately easy to root evergreens and semi-woody varieties

Arbor-vitae, Azalea Dauricum, Azalea Mollis, Blueberry, Daphne, Elder, Ivy, Pyracantha, Juniperus Chinensis Pfitzeriana, Juniperus Sabina Fastigiata, Sequoia Gigantea, Rose.