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Aptus System Clean 20L

Aptus System Clean 20L
Aptus System Clean 20L
Part Number: AP90020
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Your Price: $295.63
Aptus SYSTEM-CLEAN is an effective and safe cleaner concentrate for maintaining planting mediums, cultivation surfaces and irrigation components.

SYSTEM-CLEAN contains hypochlorous acid which is a weak acid that forms as chlorine dissolves in water.At the instructed dilutions on the label, SYSTEM-CLEAN is safe to use in your feed solution and over your
planting medium, as well as on your cultivation surfaces and irrigation components.


Regular Use
2 ml per 1 gallon

System & Substrate Clean
5 ml per 1 gallon

With every tank / reservoir
0.25 ml per 1L

System flush / clean between cycles
0.5 ml per 1L